martes, 26 de enero de 2010

i can´t walk

Hey people well yesterday i went out to Santa Fe, It was ok and all.
But when i was going to get in the car to come back i suffer an accedent, i twisted my foot really bad and its all swollen that i can barely walk because of the pain. The good news is that nothing happen to Alexa(my baby girl) cause yes she was in my arms when i fell. When it happend it was so weird but i fell off a step, and some how i manage to hold on Alexa so nothing happen to her.

Funny thing is when Alexa saw my foot she started crying cause there was a little bit of blood, and well then the swollen part. Me and my mom couldn´t get her to stop crying when we where home, also it was kind of funny. When my dad came home it was the funniest thing ever cause Alexa loves my dad so everything that happens to her she tell my dad in her own way.
So when my dad was home she reanacted the scen when i fell, it was halyrious. She but on my shoes and she started walking, then she thrue a shoe and started yelling Äuuuuuuuü while pointing to the same foot haha.